Sunday 7 June 2015

Unwelcome friend

i have a new friend
one i'm not happy with
but i can't seem to be rid of
to make go away or to remove from my life
i never invited, i never encouraged
but somehow it happened
the relationship built from nothing
and just happened
and has grown and become prominent in my life

how did it begin
it's like you've been in my life all the time
but of course you haven't
my life was healthy without you, always was
but now
it's like you've brought a malaise into my life
you're definitely not good for me
but i can't get you out of my life

you've demanded my attention
as much of it as you could get
it was only a little early on
an itch to scratch, an annoying ache
until i could ignore your nagging presence no longer
your constant communication
your constant need for attention

my friends have suffered
i've had to cancel on them
had to put off time with them for you
but what's worse
my family misses me
that pains me so
it causes me so much anguish
that you expect me to put you ahead of my family
and my anguish
is that i have to

my gorgeous partner
who i walk through life with
now has another suitor competing for my time
till the end of time
we promised each other
you'd like that
you draw it closer
you want the end of time
to be with me until then

my children
they miss me badly
they don't understand why i spend so much time with you
why would they
life is fun and new for them
i helped them explore it
discover it
before you came along
and now you
take me to lands they can never imagine
to places they can't even envisage

gone is what they must feel
with you
but what can i say to them
i have you, you who demands so much of my life and time
their energy enlivens me for a time
their smiles and delight when i spend time with them
it really is only them that pull me from your clutches
them that mean i feel whole again without you in my life
their lives mean my life is back
that you are gone
and for a time with them
i forget all about you

i love those times
when you are gone
when i don't think about you at all
and you can't seem to get through to me
they are the days i smile, laugh and relax
thinking you are gone

and then
you find a way back in
you won't let me be
i hate those times
i cry, i cry for hours on end
let me be
leave me alone
the futility of my tears just means i cry them more

slowly you've entwined yourself in more of my life
intimately you've wound yourself through my body
you are me
you are made of me
and i hate that most
that you, take me and make me you
slowly, relentlessly you take from me and make you
i hold on so tightly to who i am
i demand to be left that essence of who i am
but you ignore me
you even laugh at me

in the end, you intend for me to be yours
worse than that
you intend me for another
you prepare me for the other
but why so early
why can't you let me be
i have my beloved
and i have my angels
why can't i be with them
and forget about you

weariness covers me
tears stream from my face
my body struggles against itself
storms in my head leave me groggy
aches in my body leave me in pain
then i hear a voice
happy birthday
from my beloved
from my little angels
i have made another year
our friendship has yet to be consumated
you do not have me yet

i hate you
i hate you with a passion
because you hate life
and if there is anything that i love
it is life
it is love
it is joy and hope
and your intention is to take them away
but you can't
i will never let you

and today
of all days
with my family
you cannot have me
i love too much
at this moment
even you
i love you
you are as much me as i will ever admit
transformed maybe
malignant maybe
but you are me

begone and never come back

i will live
i will love
i will hope
for those that mean more to me
my beloved, angels, family and friends

between us we will make memories you can never be part of

(C) Copyright Luke Visser 2014 (written Nov 2014)

Grief, touching up my memories

grief came to stay one day
and harshly took my hand
delved in my chest
squeezed my heart
and an ache began to spread
into my weary mind

i sat and quietly wept
quiet weeping at the start
but then as grief delved deeper
long lasting sobs
that tore deep chasms
into the paths
that you and i had walked

grief wasn’t done
not even near to done
deeper and deeper
until my life was torn
away from yours

i looked at grief and asked

i slumped there in disbelief
when in reply
grief smiled
and said
it’s time for us to bargain

it’s easy
i replied
i want you from my life
the joy, the delight that was my life
i want it back
and you i want completely gone
the beauty, the wonder, the to be found
i want it back as well

at that grief saddened
and quietly wept
my heart i had to harden
be gone
i will not with you bargain

the sadness of losing
someone close
the depth I can no longer walk
the ache that fills me constantly
i want it all to go

the sobs that came from grief
too much for even me to see
i closed my eyes and wept
my words tore grief apart

as grief turned
and slowly walked away
i felt at once relief
the pain was gone
the sadness too
the memories all grew dim

and yet
grief's words i heard
the words were very dim
the sound so far away
they echoed in my mind

a terrible bargain you aim to drive
one i hear so very often
of life unlived
of love unloved
of memories to be forgotten

i want them both
i want it back
my life, my love, the memories
but you must go
you cannot be
that taints the final ending

that’s my bargain

then walk with me
grief replied
your life
your love
your memories
can all still be
can all exist
it’s me that lets you reach them

i sat
and thought
and felt
and cried
great desolation overwhelmed me

but then I stopped
i breathed so deeply
and slowly i began to dance

i danced
with joy
with great delight
and utter and complete abandon

could grief be right
could joy be found
among the memories
that grief now tightly held

i sat
i wept
i smiled

i now walk the paths that we both walked
a different companion with me now
grief is not as good
not near as fun
but without grief
i’d have nothing

the joy you brought
the pain we felt
the amazing love we shared
it’s all still there
the colour painted through my life

and grief
grief quietly sits
touching up the colours
every day grief faithfully repaints
the texture of our life
as i recall them from our past

I walk with grief
we are friends now
it’s grief that lets me walk
the paths we walked
that I must walk
alone and without you

(C) Copyright Luke Visser 2015 (written May 2015)