Sunday 26 October 2014


dismay, delight
frustration, exhilaration

how can you be here
how can you be in this place
a haven
but so completely away from my life

you're not here
you can't be here

how can
be the companion that waits for me here

but you are here
the scent of you is here

i shake my head
it's the island
it's plants, the trees, the flora of the island that i smell
it's not you

i lay back on the deck
silently, quietly
the wind continues to caress my skin
and the fog sweeps back in

it overwhelms the stars
the moon succombs too
it is all gone
just the wind
the fog and i

shaking my head
didn't help
not one little bit
you're still there


forever, my forever, it really has been forever
i have known you
the scent is still there
it's been entwined in my life
hidden all the time
but always there

i draw it in
allowing it to enter me deeply

it's strange how it calls to me
it's strange how it seems so familiar
i could swear this was the first time
i had ever known you


it's gone
the wind is gone
the fog is back and encompassing
gone too
are you
my aloneness is gone

much to do
a boat doesn't look after itself
lines to be checked
each rope, each sheet, each line
carefully checked, caressed and treated with tenderness

my life depends on this boat
carries me through life
bears me safely through the waters
needs to be cared for

the sails
laid out and checked
stress points eased
a fold that may turn into a tear
smoothed and laid back to rest

the wood
the most beautiful part
grained and worn
oiled and sanded

i hesitate
that wind
is back
the scent is back

back to tending
forget the scent
forget the wind

working from the bow to the stern
oiling the wood
feeling the grain
drawing out the fine tones of the wood
from the weather and sea worn timbers

it takes time
to tend to a boat
but once done

i stand and admire
bathed in the moon light
bathed in the star light
the fog is gone again
i barely noticed
i didn't notice

alone with my boat
my companion
made of wood, rope and sail

the wind still lingers
if the boat is my companion
the wind is

fickle, sensuous and ever present
powerful, persuasive

the wind draws me from safety
into adventure
into storms
into beauty

life stands still when there is no wind
life becomes bland
the more powerful
the more persuasive
the bigger the adventure

and carries you
you who have always been there
carries you to me
and me to where
where does the wind carry me


with my companion

and weary

my companion looks beautiful
for our next adventure


you're there again
that wind
bringing you to me
i hate the wind
i love the wind

on the shore
on the beach

why would i think
i was alone
the sounds of the sky
the sounds of the sea
and the sounds of the land
flow in on me

why would i think that
there are many around
in the sea, in the air and on the land
that i missed them
immersed in myself
and my companion

they are all around
noises everywhere
movement everywhere

and you
on the shore
is it you
on the shore
it is you
on the shore

i have known you
and the wind
has brought me to you

both alone

(C) Copyright Luke Visser 2014 (written Oct 2014)

Friday 17 October 2014


nestled in the cove
moonlight through the wispy clouds
bathing the deck in pale light
shadows and light
the world is gone
home is gone

never have i been this deep in this fog
to find that in the fog there is no fog
patches maybe
but mostly openness and light
and starlight

often the starlight is forgotten
outshone by the moon
fleetingly i wonder
is the moon so bright to cover for it's jealousy
of all the stars
thousands and millions of them

fleetingly a thought takes hold
the constancy of the stars
their brightness in darkness
their ever present nature
always outshone by the sun
competing with the moon

or do they compete
in their own lives are they as strong as the moon
as the sun even

i'm not alone

i'm not alone
is what they say
and they hold that thought
and the gentle wind in the bay blows the ember of thought
i am not alone

thousands of stars
maybe thousands of moons
celebrate tonight with me
can you celebrate with someone without knowing them
i can
i toast the stars
and laugh

i am not alone

i let that thought sink in slowly
and remember my home
i feel alone there at times
but i am not really alone

i am not alone

even in this bay
this haven from life
i'm not alone
the vastness of distance it may be
but i am not alone

stretched on the deck
moonlight bathing the deck
and me
stars twinkling their conversations
immersed in life

not alone



my haven
protected by fog

i am alone

and i love it
my haven

all my life i have known you
all my life i have walked with you
all my life for this moment of aloneness
the comfort
the intimacy
of aloneness

all my life i have known you
all my life i have seen you
all my life i have seen you in others
the sadness
the vulnerability
of aloneness

all my life i have sensed you
all my life i have felt you
all my life i have searched for your companion
the joy
the respect
of aloneness

it wafts across me like a gentle breeze
as i lay there on the deck
it is a gentle breeze
caressing my skin with it's coolness

it teases the hair on my head
the whiskers on my face
the hair on my chest
my arms
my legs
it's intimacy is unreasonable
but expected

the wind ever does what it wants
ever goes where it wants
ever does what it wants
who am i to argue
it drew me here
it is my companion

i am not alone

i  can smell the island on the breeze
it's scents
it's aromas
the island is sharing itself with me
or is the wind
taking from the island
and giving to me

some are strong
some are subtle
some are pungent
others elusive

one more elusive than the others
catches my breath
draws me on
i know you
i have always known you
how can you be here

never have i seen you
never have i been with you
but i know you
your scent has always been with me
how can you be here

this is my place
this is just me
with the moon
with the stars
with the breeze
with the island

how can you be here

but you are
all my life
all my life
i have known you
how can you be here

but you are

i really am not alone

(C) Copyright Luke Visser 2014 (written Sep 2014)